R.A.O.B G.L.E Grimsby and District Rifle Club

The Rifle Club was started by a few members of different lodges in the Grimsby and District Province as an activity that all could get involved in. The rifle range is set for 10mtr and 20mtr seated bench rest target shooting, so it is open to everyone.

We have members with back trouble and all manner of disabilities take part. One of the founding members recently had a stroke and the week after he came home, asked if someone could pick him up as he wanted to get some practice in and keep his score up.

We use P.C.P. air rifles and visit 2 local ranges at different times in the week. There are ranges all over the country and most have trial days and loan rifles and at very little cost, 2hrs at our range is just £10.00.

We had a few weeks practice and then decided to start the club and asked P.G.L. to contact Grand Lodge to see if we could do it under the R.A.O.B. G.L.E banner and the reply came back that it would be ok to use the name.

The club decided to have an 8 week competition, shooting 5 five target cards – one shot at each target at 10mtr and 4 at 20mtr + 1 with 25 small targets, with weekly scores and a leader board.

It would be nice to meet other provinces that can get a team together and have a competition day.

Give it a try it’s a good time out with the Brothers of the lodge and province unless you are a paper target.

Current Standings for 2024 Q1